Friday, March 7, 2025



        Our position today is shown in lower left corner and where we were yesterday in lower right corner.  They dropped anchor at 6:20 this morning and it makes quite a racket.  It's 84 degrees and humid this morning.

Background Info

        This small village is on the banks of the Valeria River where it flows into the Amazon.  We viewed another “meeting of the waters” where clear water from the Valeria flows into the dirty Amazon.  This village is about as primitive as it gets.  There are only about 100 Caboclo Indian people living in the village but many more from nearby villages show up when a cruise ship like Regent stops.
        I tendered ashore again and was on lookout for pink dolphins which are only found in the Amazon River.  Once ashore I was immediately mobbed by kids.  The kids know that passengers will be bringing little gifts for them so they mob you.  I usually bring the chocolates we get every night on our bed but the ship is now discouraging that due to litter of the wrappers.  Many passengers did however.  Regent supports the small one room school here so crew members bring ashore boxes of supplies for their little school.  It is normal for a boy or girl to “adopt” you.  They hold your hand and walk with you all the time you are there.  The village has no roads, sidewalks, or anything sanitary.  There is the small school, a little church, and a hut to buy a beer or soda.  The women were trying to sell us little handicrafts they had made.  The local men did have small power boats and would take you for an hour tour up the Valeria River for $5.


        A few days ago Kasia sang "Tennessee Waltz" and we danced to it.  I usually do one "token" dance per cruise.  Last evening Kasia came over and sang it to Rebecca.
        We headed up to Sette Mari at 6:45 to meet Donald (F&B Director) for an Italian dinner.
                                                              Jessee was our sommelier.
        Donald phoned Donovan, the head sommelier, and had him bring up this special bottle of wine.  WOW!  It was soooo good.
                                            They bring all these to the table before we order.
                                                          Rebecca had this veal limone.
Of course, I had this huge veal parmesan.  Again I could only eat half of it.  Very yummy however.
                                              At 9:15 there was the Liar's Club in the theater..
        The "liars" on stage were the 3 lecturers and the magician.  One of the words they are giving the definition to is on the screen.  


                         The village is in there somewhere.  We visited this village in 2012 & 2016.
       At 9:00 is boarded a tender for a ride to the small village.  They would not let me drive!
                   Unfortunately, I had to wait quite a while until the tender was full.  Hot in it.

        Nothing had changed since our last visit 9 years ago except the kids grew up but there were more to replace them now.  They were lined up and you had to walk through them.  They all tried to grab my hand but I did not hold theirs.  If I had they would follow me everywhere I went.
                                                                One room school.
          Many of the kids had sloths on poles or in their arms.  Sloths hang upside down.

                                                                    The small church

        Lots of men wanted to take you up the river in a small boat for an hour ride.  $5 per person.  I had done this so not today.  
        Ladies were selling handicrafts.  If you buy something made of wood, the ship would take it when you went back on board.  They would fumigate it to kill any bugs.  They would return it to you when you disembarked back in Miami.
                          Some kids had small lizard in their hand but this guy had a big one.

                                                                           Big sloth

                White bird sitting in the top of this.  Unfortunately, no pink dolphins were spotted.

        It was very hot and humid so took my photos and jumped on a tender back to the Navigator.  Just off for an hour.

        While we were having lunch it came a hard rain shower.  Just lasted about 15 minutes but now it will be a muddy mess ashore.  Glad I went this morning.  
        We are sailing again at 3pm.  Now back on schedule and will be docking at Manaus by 9am tomorrow.  I have a 6 hour tour scheduled at 9:30.  We will be overnighting in Manaus.
        Here is tonight's Compass Rose menu.  Cocktails in Stars Lounge followed by dinner here.  The magician has a second show tonight.  I may try it again.

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          We dropped anchor in the Rio Negro at 8:30.  74 degrees with light rain which is to continue all day.  More about my plans for the...